My siblings and I were born on Wednesday 21 February 2007. My Nan was with my Mama all the way through the 8 births and helped with some of them. When I was born, Mama was tired so Nan took my sac off and rubbed me. She said I took the biggest little breath, and then I was here.
Colette *left* and me, 1 week old |
I'm middle, left. Colette is above me, Adam, Evie & Elisabeth below me. Bear is above Sammy. Raja & Elsie are under Sammy. |
Colette (bottom left), Me (top left), Adam (middle), Evie (bottom right), Elisabeth (top right) |
Colette (left) and me |
Me at 10 days old |
Raja, 12 days old |
Raja, 2 weeks old |
Me (left), Bear & Elisabeth |
Bear and me, 2 peas in a pod |
Me (left) and Colette at 2 weeks old |
Me (left), Colette (top), Adam |
At the milk bar |
More milk bar action |
Look at all those cute little puppy backsides! |
I'm on top; Evie's under me, looking at the camera (almost 3 weeks old) |
left to right: Elisabeth, Me, Bear, Elsie, Raja, Evie, Colette, Adam |
left to right: Bear, Elsie (hanging head over box), Evie, Adam, Me on my back, Colette up in top right corner |
Starting with me at 9 o'clock, going clockwise: Me, Elisabeth, Colette, Raja, Elsie, Adam, Bear, Evie |
That's Raja's face in front, hanging over Elsie. I'm at the back top, facing forward with my head going right over Evie. Elisabeth is top left. There are 8 puppies in there. |
Me at 7 weeks old |
Elisabeth at 4 weeks old |
Me at front with my head out of the basket, Raja on his back in the middle, Colette |
Me enjoying a stretch |
Evie (left) and me |
Adam (left) and Elisabeth on top of Bear |
Me chewing up stump |
Elisabeth at 7 weeks |
Raja at 7 weeks |
Colette (left) & Raja |